
Did you know that on Orfeo and Euridice by Gluck, Orfeo role is  a performed by a woman? I didn’t. That’s why, when I attended the show I was surprised to see a woman playing a male role.

Mezzo-soprano women perform Orfeo in order to reproduce his delicate voice. In the past the role was performed by castratos – this also because, by the time the Opera was composed, women were not allowed in many countries to perform on stage.

I told this story because this is essemtially the aim of the project: acquire together a better understanding of opera lirica in order to enjoy it  before, during and after the performance. Why opera lirica?

Of course, because we like it and we consider it a unique part of our cultural heritage.

Then Opera Lirica is not just music and singing. It is history, it can be dance… it can be a collection of knowledge related to different topics.

Woopera aims to collect information regarding opera or connected to opera. We aim to share what we learn with you and we encourage you to send your articles, posts, contents and help us spread and strenghten our opera project.